Friday, November 26, 2010

A Thank You Note: A Year in the Writing

A year ago I began writing the "Spiritualetters" to keep in contact with my friends and colleagues. This weekly forum has provided me with an important spiritual practice. I sit in front of my computer and stare into my heart’s emotions. Sometimes, the idea comes quickly with a tap on the computer letters; the story writes itself. Sometimes, the tapping continues into the nighttime hours and the story remains embedded in my sleep. I awake and start tapping again until it is time to push the “send” button.

Then I pray that it sends vibrations of truth throughout my small universe.

I wait for your e-mails to arrive in my inbox.

You have responded with your comments and commentaries.

My story invites your story to be revealed.

When I am out and about, at parties, lectures, bookstores, and synagogues, you have expressed how a particular letter spoke to you directly. I am always humbled and happy to hear how I have initiated a healing moment for you.

So I send you this thank you note in gratitude for all the times you have read my musings and sighed with appreciation.

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